What has been happening in the Kitchen


We have finally got into the kitchen which we have all being looking forward to.

We are all learning lots of new techniques and the best part is we get to photograph and taste all the dishes at the end of class.

The soft boiled eggs were cooked sous vide for 1 hour at 65degrees. It is amazing that by cooking the eggs like this you will get perfect soft boiled eggs. As long as you use really fresh and free range eggs.

conesThe cones were made with Feuilles de Brick Pastry which is like filo pastry only stronger and easier to work with. These were filled with a wild mushroom duxelle mix and served on the side.

“This recipe is from Phil Howards – The Cookbook –  The Square – Savoury”.

To see what we did in the kitchen each week follow the links below

Click here for recipe Week 1 – Field Mushroom Veloute